Black Friday Special
15% off the 3X4 DNA test !!
Offer valid 25.11.2024 - 2.12.2024
Only South Africa
How to start personalising your health from your DNA up?
The best place to start is with a DNA test. I believe that true disease prevention starts when you start personalising your nutrition, environment and lifestyle choices based on your DNA.
Why is this DNA test so useful?
What are the benefits of doing this DNA test? Is it simple to do the test? Where do I do the test? The short video answers these questions.
How to get the most out of your blood results?
So often we do blood tests, but are left in the dark about what our results mean. The ODX Report aims to change that.
Optimal Diagnostic Report (ODX Report)
The OptimalDX Blood Results Analysis Report gives you a cutting edge view into your biochemistry. See if your genetic potentials are expressing in real-time.